Walhalla Ravine Restoration

Walhalla Stream Restoration is a Win-Win

Stream restoration in the Walhalla Ravine helps to preserve one of the city’s natural resources and helps to improve water quality by reducing Total Suspended Solids (TSS), which include sediment and various pollutants, from entering the stream due to bank erosion. By restoring banks on Walhalla Ravine, sediment is prevented from entering the Olentangy River downstream. By doing this stream restoration, the Blueprint project saves over $25 million and requires less green infrastructure to be built throughout the Clintonville 3 Blueprint project area.

Design Stage

Currently working to produce final design plans

Walhalla Design Update

The design team is completing their final plans for the ravine and the City has begun easement acquisitions with necessary property owners. Final plans will be shared in late 2024, with construction expected to begin in early 2025.

The roadway material will be asphalt, with no added sidewalk (see final renderings below). This decision was based on community and resident feedback that overwhelmingly supported asphalt material, due to noise and long-term maintenance concerns. The guardrail material is timber on the roadside and reinforced in the back by weathered steel. Upon installation, it will appear shiny silver and, over time, will change to match the color of the wood.

Additional details regarding the design and construction of the ravine, including tree removals and other vegetation plans, can be viewed from our February presentation below. (Please note this presentation has not been updated with the most recent changes.)

Detailed Design Meeting 2/28/2024


Click HERE to view the slides from the presentation!


After feedback received during the February 28, 2024 public meeting, as well as multiple conversations with residents adjacent to the ravine, the final design will include an asphalt roadway with no additional sidewalk. The renderings below show the final designs selected.


Walhalla Project Schedule

Phase 1

Surveying: 2017-2018

8 permanent cross sections of the Walhalla Ravine were studied from June 2018 to October 2020. Results of this study indicated that Reach 1 and Reach 2 experienced the highest bank erosion rates, and the restoration of these sections would help Blueprint meet its TSS reduction goal. More information can be found here

Phase 2

Green Infrastructure Design: 2017-2024

After the Walhalla Ravine Study, Stantec developed preliminary plans for the Walhalla Ravine, which were communicated to impacted residents, FLOW, and FOTR. Input from residents, stakeholders, and other city departments further shaped these plans as the team developed the preferred design. This revised detailed design was presented to the community on October 11, 2023 and again on February 28, 2024. Stantec continues to incorporate feedback into this design as they make their way to final design.

Learn More

Phase 3

Shovels in the Ground: 2025

Construction of green infrastructure involves work in the public right-of-way and street. All neighborhood residents will be notified of anticipated impacts, and Blueprint will send out weekly construction updates to keep everyone informed of the schedule and activities.

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

How many trees are being removed from the ravine?

There are currently 11 trees slated for removal: ten 18” DBH trees and one 48” DBH tree.

Will the City close Walhalla Road?

At this time, closing the road is not on the table.

Why does a guardrail have to be installed along the stream?

The guardrail is necessary to uphold City and state standards for pedestrian and vehicle safety.

Why is only this portion of the ravine undergoing restoration work?

The ravine was studied with a comprehensive approach, and this is the section in most need of bank stabilization and stream restoration; restoring this stretch of the ravine aligns with Blueprint project goals.

Project Milestones: Community Touch Points

  • February 28, 2024: Walhalla Detailed Design Meeting

  • October 11, 2023: Walhalla Revised 60% Community Meeting

  • August 8, 2023: Walhalla Impacted Residents Revised Detailed Design Meeting

  • October 26, 2022: Walhalla Ravine Onsite Meeting with DPU leadership

  • October 10, 2022: Walhalla Ravine Detailed Design Meeting

  • October 2022: Impacted Resident Site Visits

  • June 8, 2022: FLOW Science Committee Meeting

  • November 24, 2021: Meeting with FLOW

  • September 21, 2021: Walhalla Ravine Resident Meeting (Impacted Residents)

  • August 20, 2021: Conversation with Friends of the Ravines and Walhalla Ravine Association

