Cleaner Streams
Stronger Neighborhoods

What Are You Looking For?

Clean Streams. Stronger Neighborhoods.

Blueprint Columbus is an innovative way of eliminating sanitary sewer overflows while also investing in our neighborhoods and our local economy. Blueprint solves the problem of sanitary sewer overflows at the source by fixing damaged and deteriorating pipes, and redirecting storm water to the street where pollutants can be filtered out by green infrastructure before flowing to our rivers and streams.


reduction in sanitary sewer overflows resulting from heavy rain events


million gallons less sewage in our rivers and streams annually


reduction of total suspended solids from neighborhood stormwater discharges

Blueprint Columbus is about more than just improving sewer infrastructure. With a focus on green infrastructure, Blueprint develops solutions to enhance our neighborhoods. The creation of green spaces and sustainable infrastructure has multiple demonstrated benefits for a community’s health, environment, and economy. Blueprint Columbus is a community-driven improvement project, designed to meet the unique needs of each neighborhood.

About Us

Our Community

Blueprint’s Outlook

Blueprint Columbus will be implemented in 21 neighborhoods throughout Columbus over the next 30 years.

Find Your Project Area

Neighborhood Updates

Follow the plans and construction in your neck of the woods by checking out our Neighborhood Updates page! We have individual pages for all the areas that have improvement projects under way, and we’ll be adding new pages as projects enter the planning process. You can also use our interactive map to figure out where your neighborhood stands at the moment.

Interactive Map Neighborhood Updates

About Blueprint Columbus

The City of Columbus devised Blueprint Columbus as a means of improving storm water discharges, eliminating sanitary sewer overflows and reducing basement backups. It’s all designed with the goal of being more sustainable, more innovative and better for the community. You can read all about the reasons we chose this approach, or page through our frequently asked questions for details on specific aspects of the project.

Have Questions?

Want to know more about how Blueprint Columbus will help your neighborhood? Get in touch with us today, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions!
