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One of the central goals for Blueprint Columbus is to keep rain water out of the sanitary sewer system, preventing it from filling up beyond its capacity and overflowing into rivers or basements. To reduce basement flooding, we offer free sump pump installation for qualifying homeowners.
Older homes were built before sump pumps were commonly used to direct rain water away from the foundation drain. In homes built before the 1960s, the foundation drain connects directly to the sanitary sewer. During heavy rain events, those foundation drains push a lot of rainwater into our sanitary sewer system, contributing to sewer overflows.
Interested homeowners can apply for the sump pump program, after which City staff will determine eligibility. Those eligible will enter into a written agreement with the City of Columbus authorizing the installation of a sump pump.
All residents living in single family or duplex homes within an active Blueprint project area are eligible for a sump pump through Blueprint.
A hole measuring 2-3 feet deep and 2-3 feet wide is dug in the basement floor. The sump pit is installed in the hole and weighted down, following which the sump pump is placed into the pit.
To direct water away from the house, a PVC pipe is installed from the pump, through the basement wall, into a shallow trench leading to the discharge location – usually the street, but always at least 7 feet from the house.
The final step is to replace the concrete around the sump pit in the basement floor. Once that’s done, the homeowner has their new sump pump, free of charge and complete with a backup battery and 1-year warranty!
A small pump inside a pit in the basement floor that directs water away from the home’s foundation, into a pipe that leads to the street. Sump pumps have been a standard requirement in new homes since the mid-1960s.
Sump pumps keep rain water out of the sanitary sewer by directing it away from your home’s foundation and into a pipe that leads to the street where it can drain into the storm sewer system. The City is offering sump pumps to eligible homeowners in areas where a lot of rain water is getting into the sanitary sewer.
Residents with a single-family or duplex home can apply for the program if the home is located in an area where the City is implementing Blueprint Columbus. The City will determine eligibility after investigating whether a sump pump would be a cost-effective application.
There are no direct costs to the homeowner. Blueprint Columbus is a solution to a problem that affects the entire community and is being paid for with revenue from City sewer bills.
The foundation drain, which is a perforated pipe around the perimeter of the basement, collects ground water and directs it to the pit.
No, the City will select the contractor and enter into an agreement with the contractor.
The sump pump will come with a manufacturer’s warranty. Once the warranty period is over, the homeowner will be responsible for replacing a failed sump pump.
There is no guarantee that a sump pump will keep rain water from seeping into your basement. For example, a sump pump will not stop water from seeping into a basement through windows or walls. However, in most cases, a sump pump will improve a basement’s drainage.
The sump pump will have a battery back-up.
Once installed, the homeowner will be responsible for maintaining the sump pump.